Earning money online by uploading and sharing files with friends and family is easy and fun. We offer free membership to everyone. Anyone can join and earn money online for free.

4UP4.com is commited to cooperate with any and all legal authorities if an investigation should arise.

4UP4.com (www.4UP4.com) is an Online Service Provider under Title II of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C. Section 512 ("DMCA").

We treat every abuse very seriously. If you wish to report a copyright infringement you have to it properly in accordance with DMCA procedure.

To file a valid DMCA Notice, you need to provide us with the following information:

  1. Identify and establish yourself as an owner of copyrighted work or provide proof of exclusive rights that you believe were infringed. If you are a person acting on behalf of such owner, please include proof (copy of an agreement, power of attorney or authorization letter) for verification purposes.
  2. Include all your contact information: your name, business mailing address, and email address.
  3. Identify the copyrighted work that you believe is being infringed.
  4. Inform us of the location on the web (Internet) of copyrighted materials that allegedly are infringing your copyrights, of the location of these materials on 4UP4.com by including URLs on 4UP4.com containing aforementioned materials. Do not send any file attachments, images, PDFs e.t.c., we will not open them for security reasons. Include only the list of URLs in a simple text format, one URL per line.
  5. It is very important for you to make sure that you only include material you have the authority over.
  6. In your report include a statement worded: "I believe in good faith that use of the aforementioned material is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agents, or the law".
  7. Write a statement that the information in the notice is accurate, under penalty of perjury. If filing your notice on paper, it must be signed with your actual signature. If filing electronically please include electronic signature with your report.

To file your DMCA report, your valid DMCA Notice must be sent to 4UP4.com email: 4UP4.com@gmail.com or use our contact us form

Please note that only those abuse reports sent directly to Contact us form will be accepted for a review.

4UP4.com will follow the necessary procedures to investigate and if needed to properly enforce rights of copyright holders. When we to the best of our ability determine that your abuse report is in fact valid and truthful we will schedule the infringing material for removal, which takes anywhere from 1 to 24 hours.

If 4UP4.com users submitting or downloading the aforementioned materials believe that their use of materials was lawful, they have the right of sending a Counter Notice. 4UP4.com will comply with the DMCA provisions in the event a counter notification is received.

Uploaded files :

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100GB cloud storage
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Direct download links
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Frequently Asked Questions

4up4com is mobile (and similar) files sharing service. You can easy upload and share your own mobile files and get reward from downloads.

In 4up4com is forbidden to upload illegal and copyrighted files. Also all kind of movies, music, tv shows streaming apps is also forbidden to upload. All other files who is not for mobile using is also forbidden to upload (PC software, PC games, movies, music, documents and etc.)

4up4com is powerful, unlimited and absolutely free files hosting and sharing service. Without file locks and with clean advertisements.

You have unlimited disk space for mobile files. 4up4com is safe place for your files. Attention: Please follow our rules and TOS Any other files than (and similar mobile) will be removed and users who uploaded it can be banned. Do not upload videos, images and similar files.

No, everything is unlimited: disk space, downloads count, download speed* and etc. You not have waiting time to next download Download speed is not limited from our side, but can be much reasons why you cant get your internets maximum speed (high load, peak time, network failures and etc.)

To delete a file you uploaded you must use Delete Link that was provided to you after the upload process or click Delete file button in your account files.

You can simply send report to our email directly 4up4.com@gmail.com or use contact form. We always respond to reports. If your reported file was not removed after 24 hours please resend your report to our email directly.

If you still have questions regarding our services dont hesitate to contact us using our contact form or directly 4up4.com@gmail.com

If you are looking for a way to earn some cash easily online then you are in the right place. Your files can be shared via 4up4.com no matter where you are. You only need a stable Internet and a mobile device, tablet or computer. Stuck in the waiting room? Your meeting has been postponed? Or maybe you are waiting for your kids to come home from school? Grab this opportunity to earn money online in your spare time by posting your files and earn money on every download.